Why to choose PHP? Here is the answer

Wondering why you found almost half of the strength of web developers are specified in PHP web development.

What can be the reason that the stability of this language is not getting affected? Either new technology came and go PHP has maintained it consistency in the market.

You can even now analyze that there are projects since a very long time that demands PHP development for its built.

Let us get to know and open all the secrets these developers know about their technology on which we have no clue of.


PHP was originally named as Personal Home Page

People loves free, so here it is an open source platform!

PHP does provides a large number free code on the internet. If you got stuck anywhere you don’t need any person to solve your query, Google will help you out.

Also, people from different region has contributed their efforts by sharing their code development, now it serves you more variety of solutions.


PHP is installed on over 20 million websites and 1 million web servers.

Oh great! It’s free, but coding is tough? NOPES.

The web page scripting language PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is a damn easy language.

If you have already tasted C or Pearl, then you would find the syntax are very much similar. You would not face any difficulty in understanding the code.

Don’t worry if you have just started coding. This language is very much organized and simple compared to all other languages.


There are about 5 million PHP developers worldwide.

It can coded anywhere it can be run anywhere. Woo hoo!

PHP is not bounded by any single platform. It can accessed in all the platforms Windows, MacOS, Linux or UNIX.

It supports all the major web browsers.

In addition to this PHP also supports all the web servers Apache, Microsoft IIS, Netscape, personal webserver, iPlanet server and etc.


Some of the biggest online brands, such as Facebook, ProProfs, Digg, Friendster, Flickr, Technorati, and Yahoo! are powered by PHP.

And all these benefits does not affect its speed, isn’t that awesome

Even carrying all these mind blowing advantages, the speed does not affected.

Thinking how is it possible? Let me explain PHP have its own repository memory.

So the burden on the server to take time to load the website used to get automatically less hence accelerating the website quickly.


PHP was originally designed to create dynamic and more interactive web pages.

Whatnot, your work is highly secured too.

PHP is known as one of the most secure languages for the development of websitesand applications.

The language has its own security layer that is to protect against viruses and threats.

Don’t worry about trusting it. It is well Tested and proven platform.

That is why it is the favorite of millions of web developers.

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