HTML and Responsive Designs have a number of uses!

In the world of web designing, HTML is one of the most used coding languages. It is basically used to design websites and applications. It is a fairly easy-to-use coding language. HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) is especially great for the placement of images and text in their respective spaces effectively.

Websites generally have many html files that are connected to each other. The good thing about HTML is that it’s compatible with a diverse range of website editors. Two of its main tasks or things that they are utilized for are: – Map images and input suggestions.

Image Maps are nothing but images with the added function of being clickable. Which means that after clicking on the image the user is moved to another page on the website. They lead to a page that is similar in content to the previous page.

The ‘data tag’ list enables a coding user to design a list with suggestions relating to the content on the website. This input suggestion box can be placed as per the desire to enhance the overall feel of the page.

Responsive Web design or development is a web designing technique aimed at providing an experience that is rich in viewing and interaction. In practical terms this means ease in navigation and reading minimal resizing, scrolling and panning. This technique is utilized for websites for all types of devices.

It aims at gauging a user’s behaviour and environment and designing or developing a website based on that information. A lot can be accomplished by simply paying attention to the user’s way of engaging with the website.

The websites of today are better in their design than websites launched 5 years ago. That’s how fast the online world and the digital world in general is progressing. Thankfully accessibility to all kinds of information is what the internet offers largely; therefore almost all the websites are updated with each passing year after taking into account all the new upgrades to all kinds of developer software and other similar applications that have a part to play in designing a website.

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