Facebook Application Development
In the current scenario, the use of Facebook has increased significantly on worldwide network. The most important factor in making your Facebook fan page a hit by ensuring ‘more likes’ depends on how different and attractive it is from others. Any business which is trying to make a unique Facebook fan page cannot ignore the importance of using FBML (Facebook Markup Language) in it.
Facebook Markup Language
There are thousands of apps on Facebook.com that get loaded in the context of Facebook. Anyone can build their own app by using any language or tool chain that supports web programming, such as Python, PHP, Java, C or C++.
All these Facebook applications are loaded into a Canvas Page which is a blank page within Facebook on which your app runs. By populating the Canvas Page, you can ensure better feedback from users of the application or the business page.
This Canvas URL contains the JavaScript, HTML and CSS which combine to make up your app. Any user when requests the Canvas Page, the Canvas URL within an iframe gets loaded on that page. This results in the Facebook app being displayed within the standard Facebook website. As the modified version of HTML, Facebook Markup Language has some HTML features discarded and many other Facebook-specific attributes added to it to make it more impressive. It is not being widely used to develop highly advanced pages and applications within a Facebook Fan Page. Although, like HTML, its simplicity can be easily recognized developing an complicated Facebook page needs some hands on experience. It is not an easy job and only those who are experienced are rightly qualified to do these pieces of work a justice.
If you wish to get a Facebook application made, get in touch with a Facebook application developer today for a no-obligation quote.